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Maluku’s Sea Cucumber Delicacy

Entering the holiday season Adit, Gilang, and Sarah spend their vacation to visit  the island of Ambon. According to them Ambon Island is rarely used as a tourist choice for the people, and they want to visit it to feel a more challenging vacation. 

On Ambon Island, Adit, Gilang and Sarah lived in the house of Sarah’s aunt who had been living there for a long time in Ambon following her husband. By using accommodation from his aunt, their vacation budget becomes more efficient. Auntie Sri is often visiting tourist attractions in Maluku, so that their vacation becomes easier by following the recommendations places from auntie Sri. Mostly aunty Sri recommend a lot of beaches that are still very beautiful to visit but also very aesthetic to take pictures. In fact, they have to make a long list of trips to visit all the tourist recommendations. 

In addition to tourist sites, the thing that is highly anticipated is to try the sea cucumber culinary cuisine that is rarely recognized by the city community. Sea cucumber is a marine animal that looks worm-like but turns out to be very good for health. Aunt Sri said that city children should taste these foods to prevent diseases from junk food which is often consumed. 

The first time they saw the shape of Sea Cucumbers, they were frightened and disgusted with this one animal. The shape is indeed very unpleasant, but who would have thought if it has been processed properly will create extraordinary tastes. Aunty Sri indeed often ordered Sea cucumbers for her and her family for daily consumption, so they too tasted this one sea animal. 

Aunt Sri is a housewife, so she is diligent in making delicious new recipes. This time he served stir-fried sea cucumbers, and fatty vegetable sea cucumbers, in fact many other dishes he prepared, but the main menu served was processed sea cucumber food. Aunt Sri is very eager to wait for the response of Adit, Gilang and Sarah for their first try of sea cucumbers. 

Sarah was initially hesitant to taste it, she was still shadowed by the shape of the Sea Cucumber before. Adit who felt reluctant to the spirit of auntie Sri who had bothered to serve food immediately tried to taste stir-fried sea cucumbers with a spoonful of rice. Adit’s response turned out to be unexpected by his two friends, he immediately took many sea cucumbers into his plate, he suggested his friend to taste it without imagining its shape. Adit said that sea cucumbers do not have a disgusting distinctive taste, the texture is like a mushroom that is chewy and delicious coupled with spices stir cooking aunt Sri. Gilang and Sarah ventured to taste the sea cucumbers, and it is true what Adit said, the sea cucumbers did not have a disgusting texture, even very delicious to eat with hot rice and spices aunt Sri’s cooking. Seeing their response, Aunty Sri was proud that they like it, she even asked them to add as much rice as possible. 

Aunty Sri told them that this Sea Cucumber is quite expensive, this weird marine animals has a fantastic price, it can even reach millions of rupiah for a kg. Adit, Gilang and Sarah were shocked by the price mentioned by Aunty Sri, for this type of animal turned out to have a fairly expensive price and Aunty Sri still wanted to buy it. 

It turned out that the reason aunt Sri who wanted to buy this marine animal was because of the benefits contained in this Sea Cucumber. Sea cucumbers, which have a variety of nutritional content, can even prevent cancer and make the skin look young. Aunt Sri has been consuming this sea cucumber for quite a long time, it is only natural that her family is rarely affected by a serious illness, and the fact that Aunt Sri’s skin is radiant even though she lives in a coastal area. Sarah also searched for the nutritional content of sea cucumbers through Google, and indeed sea cucumbers contain various kinds of nutrients that are rarely owned by other marine animals. 

Aunty Sri really hopes that the city community should also taste these marine animal, seeing the number of young people who are susceptible to disease. Gilang want to help spread the sea cucumbers to the city, his father who worked in the blockchain-based supply chain technology so that it would be easier for fishermen to connect with consumers in the city. 

Ledgernow with blockchain-based technology provides facilities for sea cucumber fishermen to process sea cucumbers using modern technology that makes it more hygienic and easier. Sea cucumbers are processed properly will maintain the quality of the nutritional content of sea cucumbers which will be very good to consume. These good quality sea cucumbers will later be sold to consumers with the help of blockchain technology that makes it easy for consumers to order these quality sea cucumbers through LedgernowLedgernow helps maintain the quality of sea cucumbers properly to be accepted by consumers freshly. Delivery of goods uses a blockchain technology system where the data will be stored automatically and can be monitored in real-time with secure data security. Ledgernow supports the welfare of fishermen in developing the economy of Indonesian and the development of fishermen’s economy. Click the following link for more information on 

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Kenikmatan Teripang Maluku

Memasuki musim libur Adit, Gilang, dan Sarah menghabiskan waktu liburan mereka untuk mengunjungi wisata di Pulau Ambon. Menurut mereka Pulau Ambon ini jarang dijadikan pilihan wisata bagi masyarakat, dan mereka ingin mengunjunginya untuk merasakan liburan yang lebih menantang. 

Di Pulau Ambon, Adit, Gilang dan Sarah tinggal rumah tante Sarah yang sudah lama merantau hidup di Ambon mengikuti suaminya yang dinas. Dengan menggunakan akomodasi dari tantenya, budget liburan mereka menjadi lebih hemat. Tante Sri memang cukup senang untuk bermain mengunjungi wisata-wisata di Maluku ini, sehingga liburan mereka menjadi lebih mudah dengan mengikuti rekomendasi-rekomendasi lokasi wisata dari tante Sri.

Tante Sri banyak merekomendasikan pantai-pantai yang masih sangat indah untuk di kunjungi, dan juga sangat estetik untuk berfoto-foto ria. Bahkan kita harus sampai membuat list perjalanan yang panjang untuk mengunjungi semua rekomendasi wisatanya. 

Selain lokasi wisata, hal yang sangat dinanti-nantikan adalah mencoba masakan kuliner timun laut yang jarang dikenali oleh masyarakat kota. Timun laut atau nama lain Teripang ini adalah hewan laut yang terlihat seperti ulat besar namun ternyata sangat baik untuk kesehatan. Tante Sari mengatakan anak kota harus mencicipi makanan ini untuk mencegah penyakit-penyakit dari makanan junk food yang sering dikonsumsi. 

Pertama kalinya mereka melihat bentuk Teripang, mereka ketakutan dan jijik dengan hewan satu ini. Bentuknya memang sangat tidak menyenangkan, namun siapa sangka jika sudah diolah dengan baik akan menciptakan cita rasa luar biasa. Tante Sri memang sering memesan Teripang untuk ia dan keluarganya konsumsi sehari-hari, dengan begitu mereka pun ikut mencicipi hewan laut satu ini. 

Tante Sri merupakan ibu rumah tangga, sehingga ia rajin membuat resep-resep masakan baru yang nikmat. Kali ini ia menyajikan Teripang tumis, dan Teripang sayur lemak, sebenarnya banyak masakan lainnya yang ia sajikan, namun menu utama yang disajikan adalah makanan olahan Teripang. Tante Sri sangat semangat menunggu respon Adit, Gilang dan Sarah untuk mereka mencoba Teripang pertama kalinya. 

Sarah awalnya ragu-ragu untuk mencicipinya, ia masih terbayang-bayang bentuk Teripang sebelum dimasak. Adit yang merasa segan dengan semangat tante Sri yang sudah repot-repot menyuguhkan makanan langsung mencoba mencicipi Teripang tumis dengan sesendok nasi. Respon Adit ternyata tidak diduga oleh kedua temannya, ia langsung mengambil banyak Teripang kedalam piringnya, ia menyarankan temannya untuk mencicipinya tanpa membayangkan bentuknya. Adit mengatakan Teripang tidak memiliki rasa khas yang menjijikan, teksturnya yang seperti jamur yang kenyal dan nikmat ditambah dengan bumbu tumisan masakan tante Sri. Gilang dan Sarah memberanikan diri ikut mencicipi Teripang tersebut, dan memang benar yang Adit katakan, Teripang nya tidak memiliki tekstur menjijikan, bahkan sangat nikmat dimakan dengan nasi panas dan bumbu masakan tante Sri. 

Melihat respon mereka tante Sri bangga dengan hasil olahan makanannya tidak mengecewakan, ia bahkan menyuruh mereka menambah nasi sebanyak mungkin. 

Tante Sri mengatakan kepada mereka jika Teripang ini cukup mahal harganya, meskipun bentuknya yang menjijikan ia memiliki harga yang fantastis, bahkan bisa mencapai jutaan rupiah untuk perkilonya. Adit, Gilang dan Sarah bersama kaget dengan harga yang disebutkan tante Sri, untuk jenis hewan seperti ini ternyata memiliki harga yang cukup mahal dan tante Sri masih saja ingin membelinya. 

Ternyata alasan tante Sri yang ingin membeli hewan laut satu ini adalah karena khasiat yang dikandung Teripang ini. Teripang yang memiliki berbagai kandungan gizi ini bahkan dapat mencegah kanker dan membuat kulit menjadi awet muda. Tante Sri memang sudah cukup lama mengkonsumsi Teripang ini, wajar saja keluarganya jarang sekali terkena penyakit serius, dan kulit tante Sri yang berseri meskipun ia tinggal di daerah pantai. Sarah juga mencari kandungan gizi Teripang melalui google, dan memang Teripang mengandung berbagai macam gizi yang jarang dimiliki hewan laut lainnya. 

Tante Sri sangat berharap masyarakat kota juga harus mencicipi Teripang ini, melihat banyaknya anak muda yang mudah terserang penyakit. Gilang sangat ini membantu penyebaran Teripang ini ke kota, kebetulan ayahnya yang bekerja dibidang teknologi supply chain berbasis blockchain sehingga akan lebih mudah bagi nelayan terkoneksi dengan konsumen di kota. 

Ledgernow yang berbasis teknologi blockchain memberikan fasilitas kepada nelayan teripang dalam mengolah teripang menggunakan teknologi modern yang memudahkan nelayan dalam mengolah teripang menjadi lebih higienis dan mudah. Teripang yang diolah dengan baik akan menjaga kualitas kandungan gizi teripang yang akan sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi. Teripang dengan kualitas yang baik ini yang nantinya akan dijual kepada konsumen dengan bantuan teknologi blockchain yang memberikan kemudahan kepada konsumen untuk memesan teripang-teripang berkualitas ini kepada nelayan berkualitas melalui Ledgernow. Ledgernow membantu menjaga kualitas teripang dengan baik untuk dapat diterima konsumen secara segar. Pengiriman barang menggunakan sistem teknologi blockchain yang mana datanya akan tersimpan secara otomatis dan dapat terpantau secara realtime dengan keamanan data yang terjaga. Ledgernow mendukung kesejahteraan nelayang teripang dalam membangun ekonomi nelayan-nelayan Indonesia dan perkembangan ekonomi nelayan. Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya 

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The Healthy Underwater Animals

There are still many who are unfamiliar with one of these marine animals, sea cucumbers. As Sarah and Nadin experienced during a visit to Julian’s restaurant, it was the first time they tasted this sea animal. Sea cucumbers are one of the marine animals that live in the bottom of the sea, sea cucumbers are rare in the fish market. Many people believe that sea cucumbers are disgusting animals because of their large caterpillar shape. But who would have thought Sea cucumbers are one of the sea animals that have many health benefits. With the right processed Sea cucumbers will be an excellent source of nutrition for human health. Sea cucumbers have low calorie levels so it is very good for consumption for those on a diet. Besides low calorie Sea cucumbers also contain various vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B3, and high in protein content and antioxidant levels compared to other species which would be very good for daily consumption. By consuming sea cucumbers everyday will make the stomach become full faster because of the high protein content of these sea cucumbers. Sea cucumber protein content is also good for lowering low blood pressure and strengthening bones. Sea cucumbers are also often used as Chinese medicine, because of the nutritional properties they contain. 

Sea cucumbers contain phenols and antioxidant flavonoids which are efficacious for reducing inflammation or inflammation of the body, the nutritional content of sea cucumbers can also be useful as antitumor and antifungal. Sea cucumber content is not playing games, by consuming sea cucumbers can provide many abundant properties for health. 

To consume sea cucumbers themselves are still a little difficult to obtain because of the lack of public interest and lack of knowledge about the efficacy of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are usually consumed raw or dried and can also be mixed with other types of food to create diverse tastes. In Indonesia, each sea cucumber is very rare, it is very difficult to get this type of marine animal because there is still little interest in sea cucumber cultivation in Indonesia. Sea cucumber populations are found in the Pacific Ocean. Sea cucumbers themselves are often consumed by people in Asia and the Middle East. 

With the help of the interest of sea cucumber cultivation, fisherman will be able to improve the welfare of the seafront community. Sea cucumbers which are rich in nutritional content and abundant properties for health will certainly be in great demand for the city community. Seeing now the difficulty for the city community to consume foods with high protein content due to the difficulty of supply of fresh fish. LedgerNow is here to help Sea Cucumber farmers connect with consumers more easily. Consumers can easily understand the purchase of sea cucumbers at real time prices without the hassle of visiting Teripang sales locations (which are still difficult to reach). LedgerNow with a blockchain-based system makes it easy for suppliers to order sea cucumbers directly to fishermen with prices that are tailored to best quality, and a real-time ordering process. Click the link for further approval

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Hewan Bawah Laut Yang Menyehatkan

Mungkin masih banyak yang asing dengan salah satu hewan laut satu ini, Teripang. Seperti yang dialami Sarah dan Nadin saat berkunjung ke restoran berkunjung ke restoran chef Julian, itu adalah pertama kalinya mereka merasakan hewan laut ini. Teripang atau timun laut adalah hewan laut yang hidup didasar laut, Teripang menjadi hewan laut yang sangat jarang atau langka dijual dipasaran. Banyak yang menyangka Teripang adalah hewan yang menjijikan karena bentuknya yang seperti ulat berukuran besar. Namun siapa sangka Teripang adalah salah satu hewan laut yang memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan. Dengan olahan yang benar Teripang akan menjadi sumber gizi yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan manusia. Teripang memiliki kadar kalori yang rendah sehingga sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi untuk yang sedang menjalani diet. Selain rendah kalori Teripang juga mengandung berbagai vitamin seperti vitamin A, B2, B3, dan tinggi kandungan protein dan kadar antioksidannya dibanding spesies lainnya yang tentunya akan sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari. Dengan mengkonsumsi Teripang sehari-harinya akan membuat perut menjadi lebih cepat kenyang karena kandungan protein yang tinggi dari Teripang ini. Kandungan protein Teripang ini juga baik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah rendah dan memperkuat tulang. Teripang juga sering digunakan sebagai obat-obatan masyarakat China, karena khasiat gizi yang dikandungnya. 

Teripang mengandung Fenol dan Antioksidan Flavonoid yang berkhasiat untuk mengurangi radang atau inflamasi tubuh, kandungan gizi dari Teripang juga dapat berguna sebagai antitumor dan antifungal. Kandungan gizi Teripang ini tidak main-main, dengan mengkonsumsi Teripang sudah dapat memberikan banyak khasiat yang berlimpah untuk kesehatan tubuh. 

Untuk mengkonsumsi Teripang sendiri masih sedikit sulit untuk didapatkan karena masih kurangnya minat masyarakat dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai khasiat Teripang. Teripang biasanya dikonsumsi secara mentah atau dikeringkan dan dapat juga dicampurkan ke jenis makanan lainnya untuk menciptakan cita rasa yang beragam. Di Indonesia sendiri Teripang masing sangat langka, sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan jenis hewan laut ini dikarenakan masih sedikitnya minat budidaya Teripang di Indonesia. Populasi Teripang banyak ditemukan di Samudra Pasifik. Teripang sendiri sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Asia dan Timur Tengah. 

Dengan terbentuknya minat budidaya Teripang bagi para petani-petani akan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pinggir laut. Teripang yang kaya akan kandungan gizi dan khasiat yang berlimpah untuk kesehatan tentu akan banyak diminati bagi masyarakat kota. Melihat kini sulitnya bagi masyarakat kota mengkonsumsi makanan dengan kandungan tinggi protein akibat sulitnya supply ikan-ikan segar. 

Melihat kondisi sulitnya distribusi ikan laut kepada konsumen dengan lebih mudah, Ledgernow menghadirkan sistem supply yang lebih mudah dengan sistem berbasis blockchain dimana konsumen dapat secara mudah menentukan pilihan kualitas teripang yang diinginkan dengan aplikasi SSC yang sudah terdaftar kualitas terbaik teripang dari nelayan-nelayan yang sudah terdaftar oleh LedgernowLedgernow dalam menjaga kualitas teripang-teripang membantu para nelayan dalam menggunakan teknologi modern dalam menjaga kualitas teripang dalam pengolahannya agar tetap higienis.  Ledgernow juga membantu kesejahteraan nelayan teripang dalam mengembangkan penjualan teripang menjadi pengembangan ekonomi nelayan dan terjalinnya kesejahteraan nelayan Indonesia. 

LedgerNow hadir membantu nelayan Teripang terhubung dengan konsumen secara lebih mudah. Konsumen juga dapat dengan mudah mengetahui pembelian Teripang dengan harga realtime tanpa perlu repot mengunjungi lokasi penjualan Teripang (yang masih sulit di jangkau). LedgerNow dengan sistem berbasis blockchain memudahkan suppliers memesan teripang langsung kepada nelayan dengan harga yang disesuaikan dengan kualitas, dan proses pemesanan yang real time. Klik link tersebut untuk mempelajari selanjutnya

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Get To Know Sea Cucumbers

Today is Nadin’s birthday, as a good friend Sarah wants to make Nadin happy on his birthday by taking him to his favorite seafood restaurant. Then they go to a seafood place and choose their favorite menu, which is mussels. Sarah and Nadin are loyal customers at the seafood restaurant. At the beginning of each month they always choose to eat there just to appreciate themselves after a month of work. This makes Sarah and Nadin as customers with platinum members there that not everyone can get. 

At the time after choosing the menu, they were approached by chef Julian who offered a new menu which will be launched next month. They both gladly accepted the offer from the chef. However, how shocked they were when they saw the menu that came. The shape is not like fish, not like a shell, especially like squid. Nadin hestated to try it because of its shape looks like a large caterpillar. As the saying goes “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” maybe this also applies for this dish. Even though the physical form is look like worm-like, but the taste when eaten is extraordinary. It tastes the same as when eating sashimi. Although it is a bit ticklish because of its chewy texture, this dish is very delicious when combined with a sauce made by chef Julian. 

Confused and amazed at the same time felt by Sarah and Nadin after trying the menu, Sarah finally ventured to ask chef Julian who had just smiled when he saw them observing the menu. Sea cucumbers have their names, Chef Julian says. Elliptical, sea cucumbers are known as sea cucumber in English. This title arises because of its shape which is similar to cucumber. Usually, sea cucumbers are sold in two types namely dry sea cucumbers and wet sea cucumbers. The processing of sea cucumbers is also not easy, there are several steps that must be done so that sea cucumbers can be consumed especially when we buy dried sea cucumbers. Before processing into food, sea cucumbers must be soaked in water first so that the texture is softer. 

“Then, for the immersion process is it only using ordinary water chef?” Nadin asked. ” 

” Of course, this sea cucumber processing process must use water that is really clean, “replied chef Julian.

The process of sea cucumber processing requires quite long, in addition it also needs enough extra attention in maintaining sea cucumbers during the immersion process. The water used should not be mixed with oil, salt or anything. If this happens, it can damage the tastes of sea cucumbers. During the immersion process, the water must be replaced routinely and the duration of the immersion process is very dependent on the quality of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers have a number of different qualities. If the sea cucumber has enlarged to double the size and has a soft and chewy texture, then the sea cucumber is ready to be processed.

Maybe it will be a little strange to most people when eating sea cucumbers. Just like Sarah and Nadin who just knew and understood the existence of food with sea cucumber raw materials. Out of curiosity they find out more about sea cucumbers. Who would have thought if sea cucumbers are quite popular abroad such as China, Singapore and Taiwan. Even Indonesia is considered as one of the biggest producers of sea cucumbers in the world because of the 650 species of sea cucumbers, 10% found in Indonesia is more interesting right?

Indonesia with its marine wealth and thousands of species that live in the sea is a gift to be thankful for. There are many species in the Indonesian sea which are not necessarily owned by other countries, one of which is sea cucumbers. This makes Indonesia has great potential, especially in terms of sea cucumber exports. However, behind it all, of course there is a struggle that must be done, especially the sea cucumber fishermen. The potential of sea cucumbers which are increasingly in demand will certainly increase the demand for sea cucumbers to the fishermen. Moreover, the price of sea cucumbers on the market can step on hundreds of thousands per kilogram and even per tail. It is conceivable that fishermen will surely improve their living standards.

But it is not as easy as imagined. Although the prices on the market are very expensive, but the fishermen get a fairly cheap price. This often happens because the quality of sea cucumbers produced is far from the expected quality. Naturally this happened because the fishermen were still traditionally processing sea cucumbers. Thus, consumers have difficulty getting sea cucumbers with good quality.

In improving the quality of sea cucumbers, Ledgernow helps provide convenience in maintaining the quality of sea cucumbers by using modern technology processing, so that sea cucumbers will continue to be maintained hygienic and contain properties. Sea cucumbers that have good quality will affect the price of sea cucumbers, which help sea cucumbers fishermen become more prosperous. In using the Ledgernow blockchain-based system helps fishermen, in the process of shipping sea cucumbers to consumers more effectively and reliably with data stored automatically and which can be tracked in realtime, so that consumers easily reach information on shipping goods.
Ledgernow together helps the welfare of fishermen in facilitating the process of selling sea cucumbers to consumers, with the ease of shipping and processing sea cucumbers. Quality sea cucumbers will provide a high price quantity. With the help of managing the sea cucumbers, this will be able to help raise the standard of living of the fishermen to be more developed. For more information, visit